Thursday, August 09, 2007

change of heart

ok, change of heart. if my complete miracle your looking at this blog for vietnam holiday updates, change your links and go here instead -

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

24 hours to go...

Oh my god I can't wait!! Need a holiday so bad, to the point where if I think about it too much I get too excited and wee starts coming out. :(

Blackberry test

What's the point of a holiday blog if you can't even post to it via your blackberry! Yep, all seems to be working...

coffee - open windows simpsons style

you wouldn't believe how much time you can waist on the new simpsons
movie website, or perhaps you can -

this is the current list of characters, i mean employees at open windows

Stay tuned…….. Vietnam holiday starts in 1 day!!!